They discovered that the secret to improving wellness was actually more food: they ditched the diet books, calorie counters, and scales, and started eating their way to health. In Green Enough, Mamavation blogger Leah Segedie uncovers the truth behind the food and household products that are misleadingly labeled "all-natural" and healthy but are actually filled with chemicals and toxins. Every year we each absorb an estimated 2 kilograms of chemicals through beauty and cosmetic products. We feel you! Sulfates. Humidity is the enemy of naturally curly hair. Formaldehyde is a common cancer-causing substance that harms your scalp and cause an allergic reaction. One of the first steps to healthier afro hair is to avoid toxic ingredients that cause problems like these. Sadly, a study on black women’s hair revealed that 1 out of 12 beauty products contain dangerous chemicals that may pose some harm to our hair. Bad Alcohol. Oils and butters are added to hair products because of all their advantages. I won’t go into much more detail here (I can write an entire post on fats and how they absorb or adsorb into the hair), but the type of fatty acid molecules that make up the butters and oils determine what their function on the hair is, whether they are sealing or penetrating oils. If you see any of these listed as an ingredient on a hair product, think twice before purchasing: With its smoothing properties, mineral oil performs well as a detangler or hair conditioner. You use hair care and styling products every day — but do you even know what’s actually in them? If you have never noticed a blooming thing in regards to glycerin in your products, then you need not worry about it in the least. If a product boosts that it is “all-natural” and contains hydrating products such as shea butter and aloe vera gel, but it’s listed as the 12 th or 13 th ingredient, there’s not enough of those ingredients to moisturize your hair. It is one of the major hair care ingredients to avoid during pregnancy because of the carcinogenic effect on the reproductive and other systems. Despite these risks, benzene is still one of the 20 most common chemicals in the US, which is why it’s so important to read the list of ingredients on every hair product bottle. Oils and heavy styling products aimed at making your hair softer. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links to To completely avoid having toxic ingredients in your cosmetics and personal care products, we recommend replacing products with homemade versions. Otherwise, it is unlikely to cause any issue with your hair. This might be something to keep in mind, but make sure you read the list of ingredients to see what damage they can do to your hair.. All hair products use man-made ingredients. Major Ingredients to Avoid When Buying Natural Hair Products: Parabens; This is the majorly used ingredient in almost every product, including natural ones, to prolong the product's shelf life. Not all proteins are the same size even when they are hydrolyzed, so you have larger proteins, which are great for high porosity hair, and smaller proteins are great for low porosity or fine hair. Anyone with rosacea, eczema, or skin allergies should steer clear of hair products containing cocamidopropyl betaine. I wanted to share some things with you and why I don’t enforce or even follow these hair care “rules” 100%. The most common phthalate, di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), is an endocrine disruptor. A group of chemicals used in hundreds of products to increase the flexibility and softness of plastics. What are the bad ingredients found in hair products? The first and most simple reason is DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Hair Care, Products, Safety, jQuery(document).ready(function() { If you live in a humidity balanced environment and your hair is moisture balanced, glycerin and other humectants may not be an issue for you. Toxic Ingredients to Avoid When Shopping for Hair Care Products 1. Blog - 10 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Natural Hair Products. If you have protein buildup, your hair may feel straw-like, stiff, crispy, or dry. Nicelady 3 years ago Lanolin. But NaOH can actually damage your hair when used at high concentrations and at high pH. Found insideFor Less than The Price of a Pot of (Bad) Hair Product! ... one of your pomade, look at the label if the first five ingredients are petroleum and/or mineral oils, do not look back put this product where it belongs: in the RUBBISH bin. If it is in shampoo and conditioner, I don’t care what concentration it is in the formula. You can find treatments that help with hair growth and strengthening. Certain concentrations have been found to cause moderate irritation, especially in those with sensitive skin or skin conditions. A group of chemicals used in hundreds of products to increase the flexibility and softness of plastics. Other proteins can be listed as amino acids and peptides. Some ingredients in fragranced cosmetic products can disrupt the reproductive systems. Polyethylene Glycol (or PEG) is made from the same chemical that is used to create antifreeze, hydraulic fluids, and solvents. In this post, you’ll find out the top ten ingredients to avoid in your natural hair products. The hair care content is also for educational use, I am not a hair care professional or dermatologist, please be careful with your hair and skin. 8 Ingredients to Avoid for Healthy Hair mario badescu drying lotion I didn’t know I should learn about good and bad ingredients in hair care products until I started my “educated” hair care journey 2 years… The post 8 Ingredients to Avoid for Healthy Hair appeared first on Sifa's Corner. Para-phenylenediamine (p-Phenylenediamine, PPD). Almost all hair-care products contain some form of alcohol as its used for its evaporation qualities. Sure, we all have things we avoid for various reasons and things we will only use under certain conditions. You’ll want to avoid these because fine hair, with its fewer layers of cuticles, tends to be naturally soft and silky. If you want to know before you buy, Ulta, Sephora, Walmart, sometimes Amazon, and sometimes the product home website will list the ingredients where you can copy and paste them into the Is It CG? (Avoid if Possible, but one in one product may not be problematic. After all, what you apply on your hair can affect its color, shine, thickness, and growth. She also lives in a moderately dry climate not far from where I am in the US so I found this very helpful. to styling products make our hair look fab in the short term, but are wreaking havoc on our tresses from the core of each strand out, from scalp to tip. One of the first steps to healthier afro hair is to avoid toxic ingredients that cause problems like these. Vegan beauty products are generally a safe bet when looking for natural alternatives. Benzene is another immune-signaling disrupter commonly found in hair dyes. ©2017-2021 All Rights Reserved by Joli Campbell. These Ingredients In Your Kitchen Can Work Wonders For Your Hair & You Didn't Even KnowCastor Oil. Castor oil is rich in ricinoleic acid and omega- 6 essential fatty acids that replenish the scalp's natural oils and make hair longer, thicker and shinier.Onion Juice. Take the juice of a medium-sized onion and apply it directly to the balding area. ...Coconut Milk. ...Aloe Vera Gel. ...Indian Gooseberry/Amla. ...Apple Cider Vinegar. ...Fenugreek. ...Green Tea. ...More items... If you can avoid them as additives, it is best practice. Explains how stress, light deprivation and poor diet are contributing to low energy levels, insomnia, digestive problems and other life-quality dysfunctions, and outlines an alternative nutritional and exercise program to restore the body's ... Think of those later ingredients as the spices in your cooking recipe. Triethanolamine is another common ingredient in hair care products to avoid. This ingredient is known to cause hormone disruptions, which can lead to cancer and affect fetal development. Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine … You might feel like you have to become a chemist just to decipher the labels! More important than that, repeated exposure to formaldehyde can be dangerous to your health. Dry and Brittle Hair- Despite applying products frequently, your hair remains, dry, stiff, and brittle. Benzene. Parabens are toxic to the environment and have been commonly found in the bodies of marine mammals. These side effects can include dry scalp or hair loss. Even if you can't completely avoid products containing these substances, here are some precautions to take: In general, ingredients in hair products are listed on the label in descending order of quantity or concentration. If it says “oil-free,” it may still contain ingredients that cause breakouts. I hear you! Also, you can prepare your DIY hair product using all-natural ingredients like authentic essential oils, Aloe Vera, Shea butter, Honey, Vitamin C or E etc. Before you toss the product, add more water to your hair while using the product. They extend the lifespan of a product and prevent microbial activity from occurring in the bottle. My advice if you like your hair products and the results better with silicones, use water, air, and shampoo soluble silicones if possible, and make clarifying part of your regular routine. You can click this PDF to print a copy of the listed ingredients so you know what to avoid or not. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used in hair products — especially ones that serve as straightening treatments — to adjust pH, or the acidity. While no scientific evidence has linked these ingredients to serious side effects, it’s probably best to stay away whenever possible to avoid potential scalp and skin irritation. In cooking, we know that if you ate flour by itself you’d be disgusted. So many ingredients in hair care from shampoo and conditioner (these are supposed to be nourishing, right?) This is a list of Harmful Ingredients to Avoid in your hair and skin care products. Phthalates are used for a few reasons in hair products including fragrance and the ability to break down other ingredients. It’s best to altogether avoid this ingredient in hair products you buy. Triethanolamine can cause allergic reactions, including eye itchiness and dryness, dryness of hair and skin, and it can be toxic if absorbed into the body for a long period of time. This caused weighed down slick and sleek hair. The chemist at Loma has this Simple Science- Silicones and Cyclics Video and explains it really well. They do not generally cause buildup alone but if they are combined with other ingredients that cause buildup like heavy oils and butters or silicones they will contribute. While these facial cleansers, hair treatments and other products promise to clear your skin or moisturize your locks, most contain harmful chemicals that may actually do the opposite. Glycerin causes FRIZZ, when it cannot find moisture in your hair, it starts seeking it from the air. Avoid isopropyl alcohol at all cost. QuickSilverHair is an affiliate with Great Lakes Collagen. So, this post is for you. In some cases, it may lead to cancer as well. These are classified as one of the most common toxic hair care ingredients. Some of the links on this site are affiliate links to Any ingredient preceded with “Hydrolyzed” and followed by “Protein” is a protein. That said not all hair types handle all oils and butters the same way. The experts at Nutrafol came up with a list of ingredients you should avoid putting in your hair. Ingredients to Avoid in Hair Products. According to a European Commission report of 2006, not one hair dye brand has proven to be consumer safe. 11. The purpose of this is only to increase the life of a product. QuickSilverHair is an affiliate with Here are three ingredients to avoid in your hair products: 1. Fatty Alcohols: these are good alcohols derived from fatty acids; these are what provide moisture in your conditioning products. Cosmetic companies are not required to list every ingredient that is used to make the fragrances in their products. These are just a few of the ingredients that I have come across that I recommend that you stay away from. Avoid most alcohols in your hair care ingredients. That squeaky-clean, sudsy shampoo you love using? What ingredients to avoid in hair products. However, there are certain ingredients we should all try to avoid to achieve maximum hair health. Usually flash drying is about protein and moisture balance. My Preference: It took me YEARS to figure out why it didn’t work in a product for me. Absorption of certain colors can cause depletion of oxygen in the body and even death according to A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients. All Images in this blog belong to the women in the picture or myself. Alcohols strip away the natural oils, leaving the scalp and hair dry and more prone to split ends. To help steer you in the right direction, here is our list of four ingredients you should avoid when purchasing your natural hair care products. Phthalates. Chelating Ingredients Commonly Used in Shampoo: Disodium EDTA. Vani Hari, aka The Food Babe, blows the lid off the lies we've been fed about the food we eat--lies about its nutrient value, effects on our health, label information, and even the very science we base our food choices on. Alcohol In Hair Products – What You Should Know Should we be avoiding alcohol in hair products? I had spent £175 on transforming my hair and wanted to make sure it remained sleek long enough for me to get at least some of my money's worth. While silk protein is smaller than wheat, it is still large enough that it needs to be broken down. According to a report by the International Journal of Toxicology by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, carcinogenic (cancer-causing) ingredients were found in various PEG compounds, some of which have also been classified as a “developmental toxicant” (meaning they may interfere with human development). They can provide coilier and higher porosity types with desperately needed softening and hold moisture into their hair. Amino Acids are not a protein on their own; they are the individual components and building blocks of a complete protein: (Sometimes there will be an L- before the amino acid.). Manufacturers often add it to hair products, such as shampoo, or Brazilian/keratin blowout treatments to work as a preservative. There is no such thing, in my opinion, as “protein overload.” Protein buildup can be just like any other buildup and that comes straight from a hair product chemist. However, it commonly causes a dull appearance and dryness due to hard-to-remove buildup. We look for cruelty-free products because we want to save animals from being tortured for face cream and lip stick. Found insideIngredient labelling is required by law, and so much the better. You should know what hair products contain, as you may be allergic to a particular ingredient or may want to avoid anything derived from animals, etc. The shampoos and the conditioners usually contain a lot of toxic ingredients, but there are some of the consumers that have an experience to make their own hair care products and there are some other different options as well. It’s basically like rubber or plastic in your hair as it’s used as a sealant against water and air. The itchy m’s are not an ingredient that causes buildup but are two ingredients that cause allergic reactions…mainly itching, thus their nickname. Found insideSustainable Shopper's Guide toaDirty Dozen Ingredients to Avoid in Your Cosmetics and may interfere with hormone function. ... with heavy metals toxic to the brain. siloxanes:Widely used in moisturizer, makeup, hair products, etc. Oils and heavy styling products aimed at making your hair softer. For example, if you use a hair smoothing product and then blow-dry, straighten, or curl your hair using a heat source, formaldehyde is then released into the air as a gas. There has been a long debate on … *Giveaway is on Dec. 1st. Because cancer usually means some sort of dysregulated immune signaling — and immune signaling is crucial in a healthy cycling follicle — even a small amount of this ingredient could be harmful to hair cells. Gluten is only necessary to avoid if you have a wheat or gluten allergy or Celiac Disease. Be well. They could simply list “fragrance” in their ingredient list, but there could be hundreds of ingredients in that one fragrance. Products. The remaining ingredients may make up less than 10% of the recipe. (Note: Essential oils do not work the same way as vegetable and nut oils or butters.). Products containing isopropyl alcohol include conditioners, shampoos, dyes, and rinses. Found insideJust try to avoid the use of harsh chemicalbased products that strip away your hair's natural moisture, leaving dry, brittle, damaged, or flyaway hair. Read product packaging and labels, and analyze the quality and types of ingredients ... To avoid potentially purchasing a product with phthalates, don’t purchase any hair product that simply says “fragrance” as this is usually indicative of phthalates being present. Ingredients: What to Look for and What to Avoid. When they’re in hair products, they coat your hair, smooth down the cuticle and drastically reduce frizz and make your hair softer and more manageable.. When a sulfate is one of the first three ingredients, it is more likely to be a harsher shampoo. You can read more on phthalates in The Dangers of Phthalates and Why You Should Avoid Them, You can read more on formaldehydes in How Formaldehyde May be Damaging Your Health & Hair Through Your Hair Products, (Formaldehyde is in several chemical straightening treatments as well, do your research before you have the smoothing and blow out treatments.). It drops us into the insoluble dilemma of foaming. Formaldehyde, parabens, sulfates, fragrances, artificial color, and alcohols are all ingredients to avoid in hair products. It is a winning ingredient at pulling water into the hair, which is why you find it in so many curly girl products. They can also cause cancer, asthma and make their way into women’s breast milk. Naturally curly hair presents oval-shaped cuticles making it hard to retain moisture. It will certainly dry out your hair. 12 Toxic Ingredients To Avoid in Shampoo and Conditioner: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. 16 Ingredients To Avoid In Hair Products. My Preference: I love oils in butters in formulations and neat depending on the need. Be sure to avoid anything with ingredients ending with a “-cone” – this is usually indicative of a type of silicone. Research also supports that an expectant mother’s exposure to benzene may cause developmental damage to the fetus. PEGs can be identified as numbers like 100, 120, 14M, 30, 32, 40, 75 and so on. In her new book, Gorgeous for Good, Sophie puts forth a revolutionary, holistic program that covers everything from nutrition to self-care to spiritual connection. There is not enough research available to claim the toxicity of PEG, but hair care experts believe that PEG can have a damaging effect on your scalp. The main phthalates in cosmetics and personal care products … Found inside – Page 31Avoid using hair products that contain harsh chemicals, like bleach and alcohol. These ingredients can dry out your scalp. Also avoid oily hair products that can build up on your scalp. ➢ Spend a few minutes out in the sun every day. Clarify and deep-condition with protein-free products. If you can avoid them as additives, it is best practice. Paraben It’s not natural and it provides bad side effects for your hair. If a product boosts that it is “all-natural” and contains hydrating products such as shea butter and aloe vera gel, but it’s listed as the 12 th or 13 th ingredient, there’s not enough of those ingredients to moisturize your hair. Which is all fair enough and quite reasonable. Polyethylene Glycol (PGE) & Proplyne Glycol (PG) are water-soluble compounds found in hair products. (The list of polyquats is very long, the number at the end of a polyquat does not delineate any chemical formulation, only when the chemical was created, they are in order from 1 on…). 4. Manufacturers use parabens to preserve shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. You want them in the first few ingredients of hair products. Hydrolyzed means it has been molecularly broken down into smaller particles so that is available to the hair cuticle. Chances are, you have a collection of hair products that are synthetically derived and filled with substances that can potentially harm your hair. One of the most common hair product ingredients to avoid is benzene. They are commonly used in all types of skin and hair products. Simple definition: they are a class of chemicals designed to act as preservatives for formulations in the cosmetic industry.
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