1798. 5. Despite being a Federalist, King was left to continue in the position by Clay posted a five-thousand-dollar bond as assurance that he would keep the peace, "and particularly towards William R. In November, King began to suffer from a worsening cough. Consistent with his long-held views on the subject, he attacked the notion that public lands should be priced primarily to produce large amounts of federal revenue (that would go "to the East to pay the pensioners and support the fortifications"); he believed public lands should be sold only to those who actually planned to settle them. Soon realizing that he would be unable to return to Washington in time for the March 4, 1853, inauguration, King requested that Congress permit him to take his oath in Cuba. King then moved from North Carolina to the rich economic and political opportunities of the newly organized Alabama Territory. Found insideIn Let the People Pick the President he shows how we can at long last make every vote in the United States count—and restore belief in our democratic system. He reached his Alabama plantation on April 17, but his struggle was at an end. I was hoping his views are libertarian since the paper I'm working on is how the SF works of Heinlein, Smith and others have supported this political view. These qualities were so well noted during his lifetime that a fellow southerner, Senator Robert M. T. Hunter of Virginia, felt free to remark on them even in the speak-no-evil context of a funeral oration. He was the grandson of Rufus King, delegate for Massachusetts to the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention.The Kings were part of the King family of Massachusetts, New York and Maine. In March 1819, King and several others organized a land company and founded the nearby town of Selma, which he named for a site in classical legend that occupied high bluffs above a river. Women should participate in politics because women have a different point of view and their opinions should be valued as equal to men’s. for the nationalist cause. for the Presidency, but Following a period of legal training with Fayetteville's William Duffy—one of the state's leading lawyers—he gained admission to the North Carolina bar in 1805. We found 23 addresses and 23 properties on Rufus King Court in Enola, PA. commerce between the French and the British. Shortly after that victory he left the Boston area to settle on the northern frontier of Massachusetts, where he quickly rose to prominence as a well-to-do farmer and merchant. Still in the Senate, that same year Found inside – Page 58There were also rumors that Rufus King hoped to use the issue in a last effort to get himself ... King's views, said Van Buren, were “honorable and correct. assignment as Minister to Great Britain. Noting the unusual bipartisan support for his election, King vowed to enforce the Senate's rules "mildly, but firmly, and I trust impartially. . Rufus King and the Opposition to Slavery, 1785-1825.'' . Although he came to the Convention unconvinced The Northwest Ordinance of 1787: a. established the policy to admit the area's population as equal members of the political system. Demonstrating singular tact and foresight, he negotiated a settlement of Revolutionary War issues and initiated discussions on European interests in Latin America that would find fruition in the Monroe Doctrine. King's military experience would also make him a leading exponent of strong national defense, but one who always demanded that the nation's military forces remain subordinated to the needs and purposes of the civilian government. In 1804 and 1808 fellow-signer Charles Cotesworth Young William studied at local academies and at the University of North Carolina Preparatory School, a facility established in 1795 to cater to the educational needs of "raw, mostly untaught youths of diverse ages and acquirements." His father had served as a citizen-soldier during the early stages of Britain's contest for North America, participating in the successful assault on the French fortress at Louisbourg, Canada, in 1745. Milwaukee Riverside / East High School. In The Drum Major Instinct, Justin Rose draws on Martin Luther King Jr.'s sermons, political speeches, and writings to construct and conceptualize King's politics as a unified theory. Oil on canvas, c. 1818. United States. He was a delegate for Massachusetts to the Continental Congress.He also attended the Constitutional Convention and was one of the signers of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.He represented New York in the United … His father, a wealthy planter and justice of the peace, had fought in the Revolutionary War, served as a delegate in the state convention called to ratify the U.S. Constitution, and was an occasional member of the North Carolina state assembly. King also subscribed to his region's hostility to high protective tariffs, arguing that high rates tax "the many for the benefit of the few," but he opposed John C. Calhoun's theory that the South had the right to "nullify" odious laws, such as the 1828 "Tariff of Abominations." King's conflict with Clay and the dangerous tenor of the times are symbolized in the clash between the two men that took place in March 1841, as the Senate, under Clay's leadership, for the first time passed to the control of a new Whig majority. Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y. important. Given name. What were Rufus King's views slaves being part of the population? He was elected to the legislature (1789-90), and in the former year was picked as one of the state's first U.S. senators. Madison, he became a leading figure in the nationalist caucus. The Scope of Ancient Political Philosophy. Alternate Election Lore. On July 1, 1848, the governor appointed King to fill the eight months remaining in Bagby's term. He became close friends with Secretary at War Henry Knox and with such delegates as John Jay and Robert Livingston as a result of his diligent day-to-day activities in Congress, where he took a particular interest in commercial, financial, diplomatic, and military issues. This steadfastness in settling matters in an orderly fashion marked the measure of the young scholar, just as it would come to characterize his later political career. During the War of 1812, he KING, Rufus, 1755-1827 (Biographical Directory of the US Congress) Rufus King (National Archives -- The Founding Fathers) Rufus King (Soldier-Statesmen of the Constitution -- Center of Military History, United States Army) Rufus King (Colonial Hall) Religious Views. From Paris, King kept actively in touch with national and Alabama political developments. action and lent his support to the war effort. Rufus King (March 24, 1755 – April 29, 1827) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat. We find the etymological origins of two key terms in the title of this article, “political” and “philosophy”, in ancient Greek: the former originally pertaining to the polis or city-state; the latter being the practice of a particular kind of inquiry conceived literally as the “love of wisdom” (philosophia). from the Bay State to Gotham, and entered the New York political forum. diplomats, but he was also a U.S. The Political Thought of Gouverneur Morris. Later that year, in a close race with his nemesis Arthur Hopkins, King won a full term. A. In February 1818, without waiting to be formally recalled, Pinkney and King returned to the United States. King was no exception. Hunter was quick to acknowledge, however, that this guileless and self-effacing man was an individual of integrity, sound judgment, and rich experience, who could be stern "when the public interests or his personal honor required it." laid to rest near King Manor in the cemetery of Grace Episcopal Church, critic of the war. Found inside – Page 136With a colorful life and political views distinctively different from ... Alabama's First United States Vice President, William Rufus King (Decatur, Ala. King led the opposition to the establishment of the Second Bank of the On March 24, 1853, near Matanzas, a seaport town sixty miles east of Havana, the gravely ill statesman, too feeble to stand unaided, became the nation's thirteenth vice president. His moderation irritated both President Jackson and southern hard-liners, who charged that he had not worked hard enough to defend his region's interests. George Washington. Should I err, I look to my brother Senators, in a spirit of kindness, to correct my errors." Rufus King was the first member of his family to benefit from a formal education. What were Rufus King's views slaves being part of the population? Since the Quaker petitions of 1790, Congress had been silent on slavery. Oil, by Charles Willson Peale (1818); Independence National Historical Park. The town prospered because of its proximity to Cahaba, which remained the state's capital until 1826. largely contented himself with agricultural pursuits at King Manor, a . At the jam-packed, tumultuous Baltimore convention, delegates selected Franklin Pierce on the forty-ninth ballot. The United States, he claimed, "on account of the freedom of their government, and the vigor and enterprise of their People, have the Right as well as the Power to take the lead in whatever may affect or concern the new world. Given the father's outspoken support for the old regime, they especially questioned the son's commitment to the cause. Rufus King (March 24, 1755 – April 29, 1827) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat. No, because he lived in a free state. Anti-slavery leader Rufus King was born MARCH 24, 1755. Desiring to return in time to influence the Alabama legislature's election, he left for the United States in November 1846. Found insideDisenfranchising Democracy examines the exclusions that accompany democratization and provides a theory of the expansion and restriction of voting rights. With a majority of the committee's members, he agreed that slavery was a "rightful" subject for legislative attention, but only in the legislatures of states and not of territories. As political divisions grew in the new government, King expressed ardent sympathies for the Federalists. Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827). April 02, 1787. from New York, Rufus King. Dear sir. Although he In April 1846 he wrote his friend James Buchanan, now his boss as secretary of state, "Most sincerely do I wish that we had both remained in the Senate." He supported the spirit, if not always the specifics, of Henry Clay's compromise measures. He served King was born at Scarboro (Scarborough), Mass. After being admitted to the bar, Rufus King started his legal practice in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Unintimidated, the father retained his Loyalist sympathies, provoking yet another confrontation in 1774. High School. Political Candidate. Federalist. President, respectively, but were decisively defeated. He was a delegate for Massachusetts to the Continental Congress. After the document was signed, he returned to the Continental Congress, where he worked to secure that body's approval of the new Constitution. On July 10, 1850, Zachary Taylor's death placed Millard Fillmore in the White House and left the vice-presidency vacant. ON THE MISSOURI BILL—UNITED STATES SENATE, FEBRUARY 11 AND 14, 1820. Not only was he one of the country's ablest Choosing a legal career, he read for He was elected to the state legislature and then, just ten days into the legislative session, to the United States Senate. As political divisions grew in the new government, King expressed ardent sympathies for the Federalists. Additionally, the reason that Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa all prohibited slavery was a Congressional act, authored by Constitution signer Rufus King 36 and signed into law by President George Washington, 37 which prohibited slavery in those territories. He then returned to Massachusetts to act as floor leader in the state's ratification convention. The Pennsylvania senator agreed to King's plan and circulated his name among leading Democratic newspaper editors. Thus, King took the view of southern conservatives that the Constitution protected owners in their control of slave property until a territory became a state. He urged northern senators to resist intensifying pressures to introduce antislavery petitions. At home, he met bitter opposition from a faction of "Southern Rights" secessionists who argued that his voting record better reflected the interests of Massachusetts, but an equally large group of supporters praised his support for compromise, union, and peace. James Madison. In particular, he denounced slavery as anathema to the principles underlying the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. King was born in Scarboro, in that part of Massachusetts which subsequently became Maine. William Rufus Devane King was born in Sampson County, North Carolina, on April 7, 1786, the second son of William King and Margaret Devane. Continental Congress (1784-86). On March 24, 1853, William Rufus King was sworn in as Vice President of the United States in Matanzas, Cuba. He was a principal author of the northwest ordinance, and wrote its provisions prohibiting slavery and protecting the obligation of contracts against legislative impairment. Glover, commander of the regiment of Massachusetts seamen (today's 101st Engineer Battalion, Massachusetts Army National Guard) who had ferried Washington's men across the Delaware before the Battle of Trenton, was now in command of an infantry brigade. Egerton, Cecil Baker. In May, while Vice President Millard Fillmore was presiding, a senator won adoption of a routine resolution to admit a local newspaper reporter to the Senate floor. Rufus King believed that there should only be one leader in the executive branch (he later ran for president). in 1777 graduated from Harvard. King then gave his own apology, after which Clay walked to King's desk and said sweetly, "King, give us a pinch of your snuff." Despite his lengthy Senate service and his important role as conciliator in a fractious era, William King is not today counted among the great statesmen of the Senate. I am speaking today about women in politics. There he joined with House Speaker Henry Clay, also a freshman member, John C. Calhoun, and other young, expansionist "warhawks" of the 12th Congress in a determined and successful campaign to initiate hostilities with Great Britain. Throughout a lengthy public career he employed his considerable diplomatic and oratorical skills to promote the twin causes of nationalism and civil liberty, fighting in the last decade of his life to extend those liberties to the nation's enslaved minority. . Otherwise, King In this electrically charged environment, he took every opportunity to remind other senators of his need for their support "to put down the least movement toward disorder, or the slightest indulgence in personal remarks.". But in 2006 local officials re-designated King County as the namesake of … On May 11, 1802, George Cabot wrote: “From Maryland to New Hampshire inclusively the career of Jacobinism is arrested & in most places the tide of opinion sets the other way” (King, The Life and Correspondence of Rufus King description begins Charles R. King, ed., The Life and Correspondence of Rufus King (New York, 1894–1900). . In 1803 King sailed back to the United States and to Clay "believed the Globe to be an infamous paper, and its chief editor an infamous man." In this powerful book, George William Van Cleve demonstrates that the Constitution was pro-slavery in its politics, its economics, and its law. In the 1828 presidential election, Alabama cast its electoral votes for Jackson, due in large measure to King's efforts. Massachusetts mobilized its militia for a campaign organized by Major General John Sullivan. As early as 1838, dissatisfaction with Vice President Richard M. Johnson for his negative impact on the 1836 race and his scandalous personal life caused party leaders to begin the search for a strong second-term running mate for President Martin Van Buren. On January 17, 1853, King left for the more salutary climate of Cuba, by way of Key West, Florida; he reached Havana in early February. Blog. 1. He stood ready to sacrifice all for his native region, but he felt no nationalistic commitment to rush to the defense of the other colonies. He represented New York in the Senate for two terms, serving as a leader of the Federalists and demonstrating a rare understanding of military issues. But his failure to enlist caused tongues to wag. He was elected to the legislature (1789-90), and in the former year was picked as one of the state's first U.S. senators. Meanwhile, Van Buren had destroyed his own chances of becoming the presidential nominee with his announcement of opposition to the annexation of Texas. He was the eldest son of a prosperous farmer To effect the compromise needed to win approval in that meeting, he helped organize the first formal call for a bill of rights. By May 1801 the American minister to Great Britain, Rufus King, had apprised President Thomas Jefferson with some certainty of the transaction, an event that Jefferson said was an inauspicious circumstance to us. The history of early settlements in Alabama and the cession of Indian lands. Found insideFor weeks on end, nothing was certain. The Federalists delayed and plotted, while Republicans threatened to take up arms. In a way no previous historian has done, Susan Dunn illuminates this watershed moment in American history. This stand was a product of moral conviction which coincided with the political realities of New England federalism. One scholar of the period, mindful of King's practice of wearing a wig long after such coverings had gone out of fashion, dismissed him as a "tall, prim, wigtopped mediocrity." Although short-lived, his military career was important to his development as a national leader. Found inside – Page 295King to J. A. King - Defeated in Missouri Bill — 111 - treated by South ... opposite in their political views and pursuits , has so long been going forward ... Senator for a long period. New York: N.L. A year later he was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress, where he served for 3 years. The roles of prominent political leaders during early statehood in Alabama, including William Wyatt Bibb, Thomas Bibb, Israel Pickens, William Rufus King, and John W. Walker. This otherwise routine act took on special significance, for King would be in effect the acting vice president of the United States. (In the closeness of their relationship in the years after 1834, King and Buchanan—both lifelong bachelors—became known as the "Siamese twins.") City merchant. Buchanan wished to thwart the 1844 presidential ambitions of both Senator Thomas Hart Benton and Secretary of State John Forsyth by blocking their paths to the vice-presidency in 1840. KING, Rufus, (half brother of Cyrus King and father of John Alsop King and James Gore King), a Delegate from Massachusetts and a Senator from New York; born in Scarboro, Maine (then a district of Massachusetts), March 24, 1755; attended Dummer Academy, Byfield, Mass., and graduated from Harvard College in 1777; served in the Revolutionary War; studied law; admitted to the bar and … In a peace gesture to the Buchanan wing of the party, Pierce's supporters allowed Buchanan's allies to fill the second position, knowing that they would select King. Online shopping for Books from a great selection of Social Sciences, Politics & Government, Philosophy, Sociology, Women's Studies, Anthropology & more at everyday low prices. He also attended the Constitutional Convention and was one of the signers of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Warm-hearted and even-tempered, King personified balance and fairness in deeply disputatious times. Milwaukee Math and Science Academy. At the 1848 national convention in Baltimore, following the nomination of Michigan's Lewis Cass for the presidency, King's was among a half-dozen names placed before the delegates. He believed that abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia would be unfair to the slaveholders in adjacent states, but he supported abolition of the slave trade there. The Question: What was William Rufus known for? The historical evidence points to the contrary. This book is the first to discuss at any length John Adams's views on race, slavery, and slavery extension by examining his writings, politics, and diplomacy. They believed that a strong central government was necessary if the states were going to band together to form a nation. Unlike Buchanan, King was never known to pursue a woman seriously. 1: Comprising His Letters, Private and Official, His Public Documents and His Speeches, 1755-1794 Among these, one in particular will claim attention. On reaching Rhode Island, King received a commission as major of infantry and appointment as aide to Brigadier General John Glover of Marblehead. Classic Books Library presents this brand new edition of “The Federalist Papers”, a collection of separate essays and articles compiled in 1788 by Alexander Hamilton. Actually, during this period King considered himself first and foremost a New Englander. As Clay and King selected seconds and prepared for the imminent encounter, the Senate sergeant at arms arrested both men and turned them over to a civil authority. Summary of Rufus King's First Term (1809-1813): Political Tinderbox Series. First, explore the dissonance between liberty and slavery in the new United States. The law established by the Creator, which has existed from the beginning, extends over the whole globe, is everywhere and at all times binding upon mankind. Within seven months, Alabama's other Senate seat became vacant when President Polk named Arthur Bagby minister to Russia. attended every session. Following the aborted Newport campaign, King returned to the study of law. Continuing in the fashion of former Vice President Fillmore, King worked hard to calm the angry seas that swelled with increasing violence on the Senate floor. Meantime, in 1791, King had become one of the directors of the First Bank of the United States. Rufus King was a Harvard graduate who was an aide to General Sullivan during the Revolutionary War. According to the proposal, with a guest waiting at the chamber's entrance, the host senator would go to the dais and request his ticket from the vice president. April, 1787. Rufus King (March 24, 1755 – April 29, 1827) was an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat. One can now only speculate about the calming role that this natural mediator might have played in such events, although, ultimately, personalities and minds much stronger than his would direct the fateful course to national disunion and civil war. ". The King family was the victim of one such breakdown, and the incident turned the young Patriot into a passionate advocate of the rule of law and the rights of the individual. Milwaukee Public Schools / Rufus King High School. Although King was unable to bring about a change in this At the time of his 1852 election to the vice-presidency, only one other member in the body's entire history had exceeded King's 28 years and 10 months of Senate service. Rufus King stood as Minister to Great Britain for the next seven years, continuing in this position through the John AdamsPresidency. About 1788 King abandoned his law practice, moved from the Bay State to Gotham, and entered the New York political forum. On the second ballot, the convention selected Kentucky's General William O. Butler, a veteran of the War of 1812 and the Mexican War. However, in a repeat of his troubles four years earlier, King was unable to attract serious support in the electorally rich eastern states, so that his candidacy had lost its vitality by the eve of the 1844 Baltimore convention. Disunion Sentiment in Congress in 1794. His father's sudden death left the family's affairs in shambles, and King was forced to support his stepmother and the younger children. year. Brown, 1926. did he come to believe that the United States was fighting a defensive About 1788 King abandoned his law practice, moved Attacking Adams and recommending Charles Cotesworth Pinckney as the Federalist candidate in 1800. Extra[c]t of a Letter from a Gentleman in Boston of the 4th. The military picture now had changed considerably. Men should not be the only ones to have a voice in your households. King contested Henry Clay's 1832 move to recharter the Bank of the United States, not because he opposed the bank, but because he objected to Clay's political opportunism, tied to that year's presidential election. When the Missouri debates began, King was completing a third term as US senator and was one of the most respected statesmen in America. Education Website. Rufus Wilmot Griswold. Rufus King, who had been elected a delegate from Queens County, addressed the Convention on August 30th, suggesting that it was “highly important to proceed correctly and judiciously in the outset of the business of this Convention… to preserve the greatest possible harmony and good feeling;… that he would propose the formation of a committee to devise the manner in which it was expedient to take up the … The latter in particular "He possessed, in an eminent degree, that quickness of perception, that promptness of decision, that familiarity with the now complicated rules of congressional proceedings, and that urbanity of manner, which are required in a presiding officer.". Directors of the population subsequently became Maine of kindness, to correct my errors. Island, had. Among leading Democratic newspaper editors foremost a New Englander personified balance and fairness in deeply times! 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